Heather O
Background check
$34.50 / hour
BS, Science of Interdisciplinary Studies (General Education)
Hello! My name is Heather O'Malley, and I am a six year teacher with three years of experience in a completely virtual setting. I graduated from Texas A&M University, and live in Houston, Texas with my husband, our two children and two dogs. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy weight training, DIY projects, and blogging. One of my favorite parts about my job is being able to build and encourage a love for reading and writing in my students!
Language based disability expert
Teaching certificate
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Language based disability expert
Teaching certificate
$34.50 / hour
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Additional ratings will be calculated once 5 or more reviews will be available
Personal information
Hello! My name is Heather O'Malley, and I am a six year teacher with three years of experience in a completely virtual setting. I graduated from Texas A&M University, and live in Houston, Texas with my husband, our two children and two dogs. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy weight training, DIY projects, and blogging. One of my favorite parts about my job is being able to build and encourage a love for reading and writing in my students!


1st Grade Reading
2nd Grade Reading
3rd Grade Reading
4th Grade Reading
5th Grade Reading
Advanced Phonics
Braintrust Advanced Reading
Braintrust Advanced Reading (No Curriculum)
Braintrust Beginning Reading (No Curriculum)
Braintrust Foundational Reading
Kindergarten Reading
Phonological Awareness
Reading Fluency
1st Grade Writing
2nd Grade Writing
3rd Grade Writing
4th Grade Writing
5th Grade Writing
Kindergarten Writing
Middle School
6th Grade Reading
7th Grade Reading
8th Grade Reading
6th Grade Writing
7th Grade Writing
8th Grade Writing

Learning Differences

Session preference
$34.50 / hour
Cancellation policy
12 hours notice


Bachelors Degree
Science of Interdisciplinary Studies (General Education)
at Texas A&M University

Employment history
Virtual Teacher
Proximity Learning
from August, 2021
Pomeroy Elementary
August, 2019 - May, 2021

Tutoring history
