Joanne W
Background check
$40.25 / hour
MS, Education Leadership and Administration
+2 more
I taught in both Canada and the United States for 30 plus years but am currently retired. I have missed the joy and excitement of the shared learning that occurs between a teacher and student. I particularly treasure the opportunity to help a student change her/his self-perceptions from struggling with learning demands to becoming "at promise" when skills and strategies are acquired to surmount learning challenges. I am also a certified Behavior Analyst and have applied this knowledge and practice within my teaching repertoire to increase motivation in students for tackling aversive learning and social experiences difficulties.
Teaching certificate
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Teaching certificate
$40.25 / hour
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Personal information
I taught in both Canada and the United States for 30 plus years but am currently retired. I have missed the joy and excitement of the shared learning that occurs between a teacher and student. I particularly treasure the opportunity to help a student change her/his self-perceptions from struggling with learning demands to becoming "at promise" when skills and strategies are acquired to surmount learning challenges. I am also a certified Behavior Analyst and have applied this knowledge and practice within my teaching repertoire to increase motivation in students for tackling aversive learning and social experiences difficulties.


1st Grade Reading
2nd Grade Reading
3rd Grade Reading
4th Grade Reading
5th Grade Reading
Advanced Phonics
Braintrust Advanced Reading
Braintrust Advanced Reading (No Curriculum)
Braintrust Beginning Reading (No Curriculum)
Braintrust Foundational Reading
Kindergarten Reading
Phonological Awareness
Reading Fluency
1st Grade Writing
2nd Grade Writing
3rd Grade Writing
4th Grade Writing
5th Grade Writing
Kindergarten Writing
1st Grade Math
2nd Grade Math
3rd Grade Math
4th Grade Math
5th Grade Math
Braintrust Elementary Math
Kindergarten Math
Middle School
6th Grade Reading
7th Grade Reading
8th Grade Reading
6th Grade Writing
7th Grade Writing
8th Grade Writing
6th Grade Math
7th Grade Math
8th Grade Math
Braintrust Middle School Math
[DNU] 6th Grade Math
[DNU] 7th Grade Math
[DNU] 8th Grade Math
Science Skills
History Skills

Session preference
$40.25 / hour
Cancellation policy
12 hours notice


Masters Degree
Education Leadership and Administration
at Lethbridge University
Bachelors Degree
5th Year Special Education
at Brandon University
Bachelors Degree
Major Psychology Minor HIstory
at University of Manitoba

Employment history
Self-contained classroom teacher K-12 + transition students with significant cognitive, social/behavioral needs, life skills training, ASD, non-verbal, medically fragile, ADHD,
Sidney Lanier Center School, Alachua County Public Schools, Gainesville, FL US
August, 2015 - June, 2023
Behavior Resource Teacher: maintain safe/ethical in-school suspension, develop and implement FBAs/BIPs, support teachers/parents of students with severe emotional/behavioral and trauma disabilities
A. Q. Jones Center School, Alachua County Public Schools, Gainesville, FL US
January, 2009 - June, 2015
Develop, create, implement FBAs and BIPs, support teachers/parents of students with emotional/behavioral disabilities
Behavior Specialist, Alachua County Public Schools, Gainesville, FL US
August, 2003 - December, 2008
Special Education Teacher 9-12, social personal skills, learning strategies
Eastside High School, Alachua County Public School, Gainesville, FL US
August, 2002 - June, 2003
Consulting Teacher K-6, resource/inclusion support, self-contained learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities, intellectually disabled, ASD, ADHD,
Jennie Emery Elementary School, Coaldale Alberta Canada
August, 1999 - June, 2002
Consulting Teacher: resource/inclusion support, self-contained for learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities, gifted
R. I. Baker Junior High Coaldale Alberta Canada
August, 1993 - June, 1998
Self Contained Special Education Medically fragile/low cognitive ability
January, 1992 - June, 1992
ESL grades -10 all subjects
Keho Lake Hutterite School Barons Alberta Canada
January, 1991 - June, 1991
1st Grade teacher, all subjects
Betty Gibson Elementary, Brandon Manitoba Canada
August, 1988 - June, 1989

Tutoring history
