Joyce K
Background check
$172.50 / hour
MS, Childhood Education with a specialization in Math
+1 more
I am Joyce! I graduated from Wake Forest University with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, and I have my Master's degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in Math from Hunter College. I have been working in a NYC private school for 8 years and currently am a fifth grade teacher. Day to day, I teach Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts to my class of about 20 students. In my spare time, I tutor NYC students across many subject areas. My favorite part of both teaching and tutoring is the bond I create with my students. I I love helping them understand the content of any course, and I love when they see the connection between what they are learning and their lives.
ADHD expert
Dyscalculia expert
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ADHD expert
Dyscalculia expert
$172.50 / hour
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Personal information
I am Joyce! I graduated from Wake Forest University with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, and I have my Master's degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in Math from Hunter College. I have been working in a NYC private school for 8 years and currently am a fifth grade teacher. Day to day, I teach Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts to my class of about 20 students. In my spare time, I tutor NYC students across many subject areas. My favorite part of both teaching and tutoring is the bond I create with my students. I I love helping them understand the content of any course, and I love when they see the connection between what they are learning and their lives.


2nd Grade Reading
3rd Grade Reading
4th Grade Reading
5th Grade Reading
Braintrust Advanced Reading (No Curriculum)
Reading Fluency
2nd Grade Writing
3rd Grade Writing
4th Grade Writing
5th Grade Writing
1st Grade Math
2nd Grade Math
3rd Grade Math
4th Grade Math
5th Grade Math
Middle School
6th Grade Math
7th Grade Math
8th Grade Math

Learning Differences

Session preference
$172.50 / hour
Cancellation policy
12 hours notice


Masters Degree
Childhood Education with a specialization in Math
at Hunter College
Bachelors Degree
Elementary Education
at Wake Forest University

Employment history
Class V Head Teacher
from September, 2012

Tutoring history
