MS, Master of Science in Exceptional Student Education- Specializing in Emotional Disturbances and Learning Disabilities.
I have 19 years of teaching experience specializing in students with disabilities coming from all backgrounds. I have a Master of Science degree in Emotional Disturbances and Learning Disabilities. My Florida teacher certifications include Exceptional Student Education K-12, Elementary Education K-6, and Preschool Education Birth-4years. I also am endorsed in Reading, ESOL(English for Speakers of other Languages), and Prekindergarten Disabilities. I love working with students who may just see things differently. The light on the student's face when they understand and grasp a concept is one of the best most rewarding things to witness. I enjoy working with students in a one-to-one setting to focus on their specific needs- strengths and weaknesses.
Language based disability expert
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Language based disability expert