Mahta M
Background check
$143.75 / hour
MS, International Education Development
+1 more
OG Tutor specialized in teaching reading and spelling to children with Dyslexia Certified Associate Orton-Gillingham Practitioner Dyslexia Structured Literacy Intervention Specialist I believe every child is a “mine rich in gems of inestimable value.” Every child has the right to be taught in the manner in which he/she learns best. It is the responsibility of the educator to understand the needs of each child, and to deliver instruction that meets those needs effectively. I also believe that our children don’t have time for us to experiment - they need proper instruction now. Without adequate education, those priceless gems may never be revealed, the child may never discover his/her talents, and our entire society would be poorer for the loss of that potential.!
Dyslexia expert
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Dyslexia expert
$143.75 / hour
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Personal information
OG Tutor specialized in teaching reading and spelling to children with Dyslexia Certified Associate Orton-Gillingham Practitioner Dyslexia Structured Literacy Intervention Specialist I believe every child is a “mine rich in gems of inestimable value.” Every child has the right to be taught in the manner in which he/she learns best. It is the responsibility of the educator to understand the needs of each child, and to deliver instruction that meets those needs effectively. I also believe that our children don’t have time for us to experiment - they need proper instruction now. Without adequate education, those priceless gems may never be revealed, the child may never discover his/her talents, and our entire society would be poorer for the loss of that potential.!


1st Grade Reading
2nd Grade Reading
3rd Grade Reading
4th Grade Reading
Advanced Phonics
Braintrust Advanced Reading (No Curriculum)
Kindergarten Reading
Phonological Awareness
Reading Fluency
1st Grade Writing
2nd Grade Writing
3rd Grade Writing
4th Grade Writing
Kindergarten Writing

Learning Differences

Session preference
$143.75 / hour
Cancellation policy
24 hours notice


Bachelors Degree
English Literature
at University of British Columbia
Masters Degree
International Education Development
at Teachers College, Columbia University

Employment history
Private Dyslexia Tutor
from September, 2022

Tutoring history
