Meredith B
Background check
$97.75 / hour
MS, Education: Special Education
+2 more
Meredith has worked in education for 19 years. She studied Elementary Education and English during her undergraduate years, and then went on to her Masters In Education in the field of Special Education. She is a certified k-6 elementary school teacher, english teacher (6-8), and special education teacher k-12. Currently, Meredith is a school administrator within a Massachusetts Public School grades K-8. Her teaching experience is primarily in the k-8 levels in both general and special education. While teaching in Lawrence, she received the Sontag Prize for Urban Education presented at Harvard School of Education, and was nominated for Teacher of the Year. Meredith is a Wilson certified instructor.
Dyslexia expert
ADHD expert
Dysgraphia expert
Language based disability expert
Dyscalculia expert
Teaching certificate
1 review
Additional ratings will be calculated once 5 or more reviews will be available
1 review
Dyslexia expert
ADHD expert
Dysgraphia expert
Language based disability expert
Dyscalculia expert
Teaching certificate
$97.75 / hour
Additional ratings will be calculated once 5 or more reviews will be available
1 review
Personal information
Meredith has worked in education for 19 years. She studied Elementary Education and English during her undergraduate years, and then went on to her Masters In Education in the field of Special Education. She is a certified k-6 elementary school teacher, english teacher (6-8), and special education teacher k-12. Currently, Meredith is a school administrator within a Massachusetts Public School grades K-8. Her teaching experience is primarily in the k-8 levels in both general and special education. While teaching in Lawrence, she received the Sontag Prize for Urban Education presented at Harvard School of Education, and was nominated for Teacher of the Year. Meredith is a Wilson certified instructor.


High School
11th & 12th Grade Reading
9th & 10th Grade Reading
11th & 12th Grade Writing
9th & 10th Grade Writing
1st Grade Reading
2nd Grade Reading
3rd Grade Reading
4th Grade Reading
5th Grade Reading
Braintrust Advanced Reading (No Curriculum)
Kindergarten Reading
Reading Fluency
1st Grade Writing
2nd Grade Writing
3rd Grade Writing
4th Grade Writing
5th Grade Writing
Kindergarten Writing
1st Grade Math
2nd Grade Math
3rd Grade Math
4th Grade Math
Kindergarten Math
Middle School
6th Grade Reading
7th Grade Reading
8th Grade Reading
6th Grade Writing
7th Grade Writing
8th Grade Writing
Other Skills
Executive Function
Elementary EF Skills
Upper EF Skills

Learning Differences

Session preference
$97.75 / hour
Cancellation policy
12 hours notice


Bachelors Degree
Liberal Studies (English, Art, Psychology)
at Westfield State College
Bachelors Degree
Elementary Education
at Westfield State
Masters Degree
Education: Special Education
at Lesley University

Employment history
Public Schools
September, 2010 - June, 2016
Special Ed. Administrator
Public Schools
from January, 2016

Tutoring history

Micheline M
March, 11
Meredith was extremely friendly and knowledgeable. Her warm personality and upbeat attitude made Bella bond immediately with her and make her excited for the sessions.