Personal information
Hello! Stacy Gentry here. I would like to tell you a little about my work history. I earned my teaching certificate in Elementary Education and Middle School English, at Eastern Ky University, I began working for our local school system doing any job that would give me teaching experience. I tutored, taught summer school, and did long term and short term substitute teaching. During this time I took classes and earned my Masters degree in Early Childhood Special Ed. At that time, the hiring policy for teachers was once we received our teaching certificate, our name was placed on a list and we were hired when our turn came up.
For the purpose of a steady income, I took a full time job as an Early Interventionist and worked with babies from birth to three years old who had disabilities and delays. I was blessed to work with exceptional PT’s , OT’’s and Speech Pathologists each day who enabled me to Iearn so much about early childhood development.
When my turn came for a teaching job, the opportunity was a Preschool position and I accepted it. I loved getting students in my classroom that I had worked with previously in the Early Intervention Unit. I taught Preschool for 13 years before I moved to a second grade teaching position. I think second grade is the best grade in elementary school to teach. The students love to learn at this age, they are super sweet and somewhat independent. During this time I earned my Rank 1 in the area of Teacher Leadership. I continued working in second grade for 14 years before taking the online teaching job that was created due to Covid. I served in this roll working virtually with 2nd and 3rd graders for 2 years. I had some free time each afternoon and I volunteered to help one of our special education teachers with interventions and documentation. I recently retired with 30 years of service at the same school I went to as a child. The best thing about being a teacher is meeting so many students and their families and making those connections for a successful school year. I loved my job as a teacher and was fortunate to have a great staff and administration to work with.
1st Grade Reading
2nd Grade Reading
Braintrust Beginning Reading (No Curriculum)
Kindergarten Reading
Reading Fluency
1st Grade Writing
2nd Grade Writing
Kindergarten Writing
1st Grade Math
2nd Grade Math
3rd Grade Math
Kindergarten Math
Session preference
Cancellation policy
hours notice
Masters Degree
Teacher Leadership Program Rank 1
at University of the Cumberlands Williamsburg, Kentucky
Masters Degree
Masters Degree in Early Childhood Special Education and a lifetime endorsement in Early Childhood Education.
at Eastern Kentucky University Corbin, Kentucky
Bachelors Degree
B.S. I’m Elementary Education K-5 and also earned a middle school endorsement for grades 6,7, and 8 in ELA self contained.
at Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Ky
Employment history
Global Tutoring Services
January, 2023 - December, 2023
Virtual Elementary Teacher
Rockcastle Academy for Academic Achievement
August, 2020 - May, 2022
Mt Vernon Elementary School
August, 1998 - May, 2020
Direct Interventionist
Cumberland River Comprehensive Care Center on the Early Intervention Unit Corbin, Ky
August, 1994 - May, 1998
Tutoring history